Python Strings (JNNC Technologies)

A string is usually a bit of text in programming that is written to be displayed to users. It is known to Python when you want to display a string. This is because programmers use either double quote  or single quote  to enclose a word or group of words to express a string.


ch = 'HelloPython'

str1 = "String Chapter"

Accessing String Values

Characters are not supported by Python which makes it simpler as characters in Python are treated as strings of length 1 and hence considered as a sub-string.
Program showing the use of strings and how they are displayed on-screen.

ch = 'Hello Python'

str1 = "String Chapter"

print ("First value is: " ,  ch)

print ("Second value is: " ,  str1)
First value is: Hello Python
Second value is: String Chapter
If they are considered as a list of characters, then the example shown below will let you understand how they are treated individually:

ch = "Hello Python"

str1 = "String Chapter"

print ("First single sub-string is: " ,  ch[0])

print ("Set of sub-string is: " ,  str1[2:6])
First single sub-string is: H
Set of sub-string is: ring C


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