Python Data Types

Python data types are different in some aspects from other programming languages. It is simple to understand and easy to use. Because Python is interpreted programming language and Python interpreter is able to determine which type of data are storing, so no need to define data type of memory location.
Data type determines:
  • The possible values for that type.
  • The operations that can be done with that values.
  • Conveys the meaning of data.
  • The way values of that type can be stored.

Data Types available in Python

Everything in Python programming is an object, and each object has its own unique identity(a type and a value).
There are many native(built-in) data types available in Python.
Some important are:
  • Numbers: An are integers (such as 1, 2, 3…), floats (such as 2.6, 4.8 etc), fractions (such as: ½. ¾ etc) or even complex numbers.
    • int (signed integer)
    • float
    • long
    • complex
  • Sequences:


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