So you got a new job with better pay, and a better desk? Awesome. Congratulations. But now it's up to you how you fare here and what you make of it. You can either have a wonderful time or be as miserable as you were in your last job. You have to try and make an impression from the very first day. To ensure you make the most of it in your new job and get noticed, follow these ten tips given below:
Try And Do Your Best Everyday
So you got hired. That's quite something yes, but no one knows still what you're capable of. Spend as much time you want congratulating yourself landing this job. After all you've competed with several other applicants. But once you're done gloating over it, it's time to get serious and show your employer that you deserved to be hired. Come to work everyday thinking you have to do your best; to work hard and make them realise that they made the right decision.
Don't Wait To Be Told What To Do
Gone are the days when things were spoon fed to new joinees. These days managers like people who are willing to take the initiative. Go up to him or her and ask them if you can be of help in whatever it is that they are doing. There are a million things that the managers have to and if you can help him/her out in reducing that burden, he/she will appreciate you being there even more. Don't wait to be told what to do, don't be a paid puppet, move around, take action, and take things in your hand. And when you're handed responsibility make sure you go all out and do a fantastic opportunity. Be independent, you're not there to obey to someone, you're there as part of a team and to prove that you are there because you can make a difference.
You're Here To Work, Not Just Make Friends
It's great that you are nice and friendly to people. It is great that you want to make friends in your new work place. But ultimately it all comes down whether you delivered on what was handed to you. So while it is awesome that you are affable and keen on meeting new people, it is also important that you should keep your work and your socialising separate. Prove yourself. Show your enthusiasm and passion in the work you've been assigned to do. Meet deadlines. And by doing all this, you will earn the respect and trust of your colleagues.
Always Do A Little More
If you have just joined a company, it might be possible that you don't know how things work. The systems and processes will all be new and may seem complicated. You might not know all the important people. You might not even know whom to call for what. But you always can go that extra mile, work that much harder to catch up. If you've been asked to proofread a document, also try and rewrite bits or offer suggestions on how to make it better.
Start Doing Things You're Not Expected To Do
Yes, so you've assigned to build content for the company webpage and you're doing an excellent job. Fantastic. But taking initiative and doing things that are not even assigned to you are the things that will shoot up your value in the company.  For example, if your company doesn't have a blog page and if you can gather some intel and start building content for the blog, it will be something that will be highly appreciated. You should do it in your own time, so that the regular company work doesn't get affected. Prove yourself at every given opportunity and you will gain a lot.
Think How You Can Leave Your Mark
In cricket, the batsman has to anticipate how's the next ball's going to be bowled, whether it is going to be down the leg side or a short pitched delivery. Similarly, the bowler too has to study the batsman and figure if he is going to step out or stay in the crease. That's what makes legends, the ability to think ahead. You need to develop that ability too. Suppose you have been asked to write content for the web, you can think ahead and figure out that there will other collaterals too, like a brochure or a PowerPoint presentation. At the same time, start working on these things too, and when the need arises, if you say, you have already worked on it, your manager will be mighty impressed and you will be respected.
Learn From Your Seniors
See who is doing what and how . If someone has been assigned 'n' number of responsibilities they must be doing something right. If someone is a manager, they are at this position because they have certain skills. Learn those things. See what they are doing right. Maybe they absorb things better. Maybe they base their decisions on their homework. See how they handle situations; deal with people, with problems. Learn and apply the same attributes in your dealings as well.
Display Skills That Will Get You Noticed
It's better to be known for one thing that you do incredibly well than be known for multiple things that you are just OK at. You could be known as someone who responds to emails the quickest; or someone who makes the best presentations; or as the go-to man for negotiations. Something that is specific and unique to you. It certainly gives you an edge. And will get you noticed, quickly.
Always Be Open To Help
Take up things from other's plates. You never know what it might do for your career. Any sort of help you can offer someone will never go to waste. It will always return to you in some way or the other. Suppose your colleague is struggling with finding some data for a press release she is working on, jump in and ask if you can ease her burden a little bit. Anyway you can help, go for it. However, ensure you finish your tasks on time. You don't want to be the guy who helps with other people's luggage, but forgets his own in the train. That guy is known as an 'idiot'.
Remember, You Are Not Irreplaceable
Always remember that you were hired to do a job. Never forget that and start taking things easy. Continue with the same passion and enthusiasm you started with. Don't go overboard when you start and completely slack off within a year. Maintain consistency. And continue to learn and grow your career. Never relax too much and or get too comfortable, as no one is irreplaceable. Always try and outdo yourself.


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