In a TimesJobs survey of professionals working in different startups, 88 per cent said they were ready to leave their current jobs in the new ventures if offered jobs in larger, established companies.
Only 12 per cent respondents said they were content in their startup work profiles.
The survey findings seem to point towards an impending attrition problem that startups could face in the near future as they scale.
Asked why they were thinking of quitting their startup jobs, 43 per cent said they would be able to draw higher salaries in established companies. But 30 per cent said that due to the nature of their jobs in startups, they were unable to maintain a work-life balance.
Interestingly, the fear of the venture not taking off properly and the employees losing their jobs did not seem to be a major concern. Only 15 per cent survey respondents said they wanted to switch to seek better job security. This shows that employees apparently do not see startups as providing unstable jobs.
But work dissatisfaction appears to have set in mostly among employees who have in startups for at least one year and more ? 65 per cent of them wanted to switch to a larger company.
Nearly 58 per cent employees in IT, internet/dotcom, consulting and retail startups, who answered the survey, said they wanted to move to bigger companies.
The discontent appears widespread among junior and senior-level professionals, 75 per cent of whom said they wanted to move to a bigger company. In terms of gender, 80 per cent female employees and 90 per cent male employees said they wanted to leave their startup job.
But their startup stint had started off with a lot of passion. Asked why they took up a startup job in the first place, 54 per cent said it was because of the thrill of working in a new venture. Only 23 per cent had taken up the jobs for higher salary while 20 per cent were looking for a flexible work culture ? a major pull for Gen Y and Z today.
When asked what apprehensions they had over the startup jobs they were taking, the biggest one was the risk of the venture failing (63 per cent) followed by the pressure of taking up multiple roles (29 per cent).


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