It is more beneficial to spend your time researching positions for which you would be an ideal fit, rather than sending a bunch of applications to a bunch of jobs.
Focus your job hunting on specific jobs that matches your interest, work preferences, passion, traits, skills and values.
You can use job search engines to locate jobs by using keywords that matches your interests and locations where you prefer to work.
Brand yourself in a professional manner by posting your professional profiles on networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Skillpages and VisualCV will attract recruiters and employers. This portrays you as a candidate worth being interested in.
Tap the hidden job market by networking. Network is your most valuable resource. Most of the available jobs are in the hidden job market. They are not listed in the classifieds or placed with a headhunter. Find them through your network of contacts. This is your most valuable resource!
Enhance the chances of being invited for an interview by professionally crafting a resume and resume cover letter.
Learn as much as possible about the company which calls you for an interview. Do your research on the company beforehand. Prepare with likely interview questions. Rehearse mock interviews.
Stay relaxed and dress appropriately for the interview. Make adequate efforts to convince the interviewer with your skills, abilities and accomplishments, convincing him that you are a perfect candidate for the position on offer.
After the interview, it is important also to make a follow up. A single thank-you note to the hiring manager is recommended as it may do wonders. It might be an endeavor to convince them that you are interested in the job and will be perfect for it if selected.


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