Travel Insurance Plan


Secure Your Travel With Our Travel Insurance Plan!

Curated Plans to suit your needs

Travel Insurance

Let’s get you started on your travel insurance journey!

Imagine yourself about to embark on an exciting vacation. Your travel visa, tickets, hotel reservations, and other necessary documents are all in order.

When you arrive at your destination, you discover that your luggage has disappeared. Even worse, you could become a victim of identity theft and find yourself in a strange nation without a passport or any money!

Handling these circumstances can be costly and challenging, particularly if you're in a foreign nation where the language is not your first tongue. But for that exact reason, having travel insurance is essential!

Travel Insurance Plan

The guarantee that any risks you may encounter in unfamiliar territory would be covered by travel insurance is what makes it so. A special kind of insurance, travel insurance provides you with financial support in the unlikely event that something goes wrong while you're away.

It includes a variety of situations, such as accidents involving the body or teeth, identity theft, loss of a passport, cancelled flights, and misplaced or lost luggage.

You can choose the travel insurance policy that best meets your needs based on where you're going, why you're visiting, and how often you travel.

If you only seldom travel, either domestically or abroad, a single-trip travel insurance plan is perfect for you. You may buy one for your family or yourself; for more details, see our family travel insurance. You might wish to choose between an annual travel insurance plan and a multi-trip plan if you travel for work frequently.

By doing this, you can save the trouble of having to apply for a new travel insurance policy prior to every trip. For seniors and students who are going overseas to further their education, we also provide specialized travel insurance policies.

Whatever your trip requirements, we can help you discover a travel insurance plan.

Travel Insurance With COVID-19 Covered*

Start Every Journey With A Travel Insurance Plan!

Traveling is the most convenient way for us to see the globe. You might be leaving the nest to continue your studies, going on a vacation with your loved ones, or going to a significant business meeting.
For whatever reason, you undoubtedly want to travel without any hassles. Unfortunately, everyone is aware that things may go terribly wrong. There is a chance that a passport will be taken, that luggage will be misplaced or lost, and that a delay will cause a missed transit trip.
Additionally, travel has become considerably more problematic than before due to the danger of contracting COVID-19. Managing any of these issues requires a lot of energy and resources in addition to being physically and emotionally taxing.
For this reason alone, it's imperative that you purchase travel insurance from TATA AIG. We offer tailored programs that will take care of you whether you're traveling within the country or outside.
Our strategies will assist you in handling any circumstance that may arise. We are aware that elderly people and students have different demands.
We have therefore presented plans that are designed to satisfy their needs. You may travel safely during a pandemic with our plans. Our international travel insurance plans are designed with medical and sickness coverage of up to $5,000,000.
This will help cover the cost of treatment and protect you in the event that you become ill while abroad or test positive for COVID-19 and require hospitalization. As a result, our customers remember our plans with fondness.

What’s Covered Under TATA AIG Travel Insurance?

Our Travel Insurance Policy will help you take care of a number of situations, ensuring the mental peace you truly deserve:

COVID-19 Covered

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, we have included COVID-19 coverage on our travel insurance plans. If you're thinking about how and in what way COVID-19 is covered, here is a list outlined for you:

  • Accident & Sickness Medical Expense Under the Accident & Sickness Medical Expense, Travel insurance with COVID-19 covered compensates for the medical expenses incurred by the insured because of being diagnosed with COVID-19 outside the Republic of India during the trip duration & is hospitalized. The policy provides coverage against Medical expenses upto the limit mentioned in the policy schedule.
  • Trip Cancellation Compensation benefit under Trip Cancellation is offered if the insured, the insured’s Travel Companion or The Immediate family of the insured or the Insured’s Travel Companion are diagnosed with COVID-19 before commencing their international trip. They cannot travel until they have received a negative COVID-19 report. If one has a valid travel insurance plan and they cancel a booked trip as a result of COVID-19, we will reimburse you the unused and non-refundable amount of your prior bookings, such as hotel booking, and ticket costs. You would be eligible for these benefits only if you booked and paid for such services before being diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Trip Curtailment/Interruption Benefits If you are travelling with Travel insurance with COVID-19 covered and you, your Travel Companion, your immediate family or your Travel companion’s immediate family are diagnosed with COVID-19 during your trip, as a result of which, your trip has to be cut short, we will reimburse the trip interruption expenses. These expenses will be inclusive of the pre-paid and unused portion of travel and accommodation expenses, which are non-refundable; additional accommodation and travel expenses incurred due to trip interruption, subject to the sum insured limit.
  • Automatic extension Given the current circumstances, it is too early to predict if a lockdown will be enforced in the future. Consider the possibility of being trapped on vacation overseas because the country announced a statewide lockdown due to COVID-19. Flight delays or cancellations are extremely dangerous under such circumstances. Tata AIG Travel insurance coverage will cover your trip extension for a maximum period of 7 days if a lockdown is imposed in the destination country and no alternative mode of transport is available. Subject to Terms & conditions.

Baggage Covers

Landing up somewhere without your personal belongings can be a harrowing experience. We make it easier to manage with these covers:

  • Delayed Baggage Almost everybody has a story about a time when they travelled and their luggage was accidentally sent elsewhere or unnecessarily delayed. If this happens and you have our travel insurance policy, you can rest easy. Your travel insurance plan will help cover the cost of any necessary personal items that you need to purchase until your bag can reach you.
  • Lost Baggage Having your baggage delayed is one thing, but if your bag is lost or stolen, managing the situation can be incredibly difficult. Luckily, our travel insurance policy can help you deal with this issue. Depending on the travel insurance policy terms, we will help reimburse you for the items in your luggage.

Journey Covers

A delayed or cancelled flight could wreak havoc on your itinerary. We cannot make up for lost time, but these covers will help you deal with the financial loss.

  • Lost Passport Obtaining a new passport in a foreign country isn’t always easy. Your international travel insurance policy will help you with the necessary and reasonable expenses that are attached to getting a new passport made.
  • Assistance While Travelling If things go a bit wrong when you’re out of the city, you may need some assistance. Our travel insurance plan will help provide you with all necessary assistance required, right from legal help to getting lost luggage and passports replaced. Our travel policy will even help with emergency travel services, cash transfers and advances.
  • Personal Liability Accidents can happen at any time under any circumstance. If you happen to be involved in an accident where somebody else is harmed or injured, it could cost you quite dearly. Our travel insurance policy will help cover any damage caused to any third-party individual or property while you’re travelling. It’s important to remember that the travel policy will not cover your family members or individuals who live with you.
  • Hijack Help Our travel insurance policy will offer something known as distress allowance in case the flight that you’re travelling on is hijacked.
  • Delayed Flights Bad weather or a local strike could delay your flight by more than 12 hours. If this is the case, you might have to book another night’s stay at a hotel or incur some other additional expenses. Our travel insurance policy will help you take care of these expenses if your flight happens to be delayed.
  • Policy Extension Your travel insurance policy term often depends on the length of your trip. But, there are certain situations in which your flight may be cancelled or delayed for several days. We will automatically extend the term of cover of our travel insurance policy for seven days in case your flight is cancelled or delayed and you don’t have any other travel options available.
  • Trip Curtailment or Cancellation In case there’s an emergency and you have to travel back or cancel your entire trip, don’t worry. Our travel insurance plan will reimburse you for any unused, non-refundable hotel and travel expenses.

Medical Covers

We can’t think of anything worse than having to get emergency medical treatment while you’re on holiday. Luckily, our travel insurance plans come with a medical cover for international travel as a result they are also known as Travel Medical Insurance due to the extensive medical coverage provided by them, Including protection for COVID-19*.

  • Medical Emergencies Your travel insurance policy will help you deal with the financial implications that come with meeting with an accident or falling ill while you’re travelling. The policy will cover everything right from a regular illness that requires hospitalisation to dental emergencies and even fatalities. If you happen to fall ill or meet with an accident at the tail-end of your journey, you don’t have to worry. If you’re in hospital and your policy expires, we will continue to cover you for the next 60 days or until you are discharged, whichever is earlier.
  • Medical Evacuation Your travel insurance policy is your friend in times of need. If you require emergency medical evacuation to the nearest hospital, this policy will take care of that. In case you need to be evacuated and brought back to India for medical treatment, the travel insurance policy will look after that as well.
  • Accidental Death and Repatriation We don’t want to think about it, but it’s possible that an accident or medical emergency abroad could end up being fatal. TATA AIG’s travel insurance policy will provide your nominee with the full sum insured amount if this happens. We will also take care of the cost of repatriating the insured individual’s remains back to their city of residence.
  • Compassionate Visit If you need somebody to help you out when you’re in hospital, we’ll provide a two-way ticket for a family member to come and take care of you.
  • Interruption of Study If you’ve purchased a student travel insurance policy, this is especially for you. If have to interrupt your education because you or a family member are ill, we’ll reimburse you any unused tuition fee.


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