Oracle Java Platform Extension for VSCode Delivers Comprehensive Support for Java Applications


Oracle Java Platform Extension for VSCode Delivers Comprehensive Support for Java Applications

Oracle has introduced the Oracle Java Platform Extension for Visual Studio Code for building, running, and debugging Java applications using JDK 11 or newer for developers who use Visual Studio Code.

The extension can be installed in Visual Studio Code via Code | Settings | Extensions or by pressing CTRL-P to launch the VS Code Quick Open, then copy the command, ext install, and press Enter.

Afterwards, the extension makes it possible to install a new JDK or select an existing JDK from the filesystem via View | Command Palette | Download, install and use JDK. The selected JDK will be used to run the extension, but also to build, run and debug projects.

The extension searches for a JDK in the following locations: the jdk.jdkhome and java.home properties, the JDK_HOME and JAVA_HOME environment variables, and the system path.

Profiles can be used for each Java runtime version, especially when using multiple Java versions on the same machine. Each profile has a settings.json file, which can be configured via Code | Settings | Profiles | Edit Profile, and contains configuration such as the jdk.jdkhome property.

New projects may be created via View | Command Palette | Java: New Project and existing Maven and Gradle projects can be imported.

Running or debugging an application is possible via Run main | Debug. Optionally, the launch configuration may be changed by choosing Java+... from the dropdown list and then clicking on the run icon. Various options may be configured via the Run Configuration panel of the Explorer view in order to change the environment variables, VM options, working directory and arguments for the process.

The .vscode/launch.json file specifies the default launch configurations such as the mainClass. A debugger action may be attached in the launch configuration by selecting a local process or a port.

A test can be created by clicking on a light bulb and clicking on Create Test Class. This generates tests which are either empty or failing. The Test Explorer view allows running all the tests, or specific tests.


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