C is mainly of Two types.
(i) Turbo C or Common C:
Until recently there was on dominant form of the C Language. This was the native UNIX form, which for historical reasons is known as either Bell Labs C, after the most popular compiler, or K.&R. C, after the authors of the most popular textbook on ther language. It is now oftern called "Classic C". We can also called by nickname "TC". (ii) ANSI C:
The American National Standards institute defined a standard for C, eliminating much uncertainty about the exact syntax of the language. This newcomer, called ANSI C, proclaims itself the standard version of the language. As such it will inevitably overtake, and eventually replace common C.
Character Set:
Character Set Means that the characters and symbols that a C Program can understand and accept. These are grouped to form the commands, expressions, words, c-statements and other tokens for C language. Character Set is the combination of alphabet or character, digit, special characters and white spaces. More about a C-program we can say that it is a sequence of characters. These caracter from the character set play the different role in different way in the C-compiler.
There are mainly four categories of the character set as shown below:
There are mainly four categories of the character set as shown below:
- Letter or AlphabetIn the character set, character or alphabet are represented by A-Z or a-z. C-Language is case sensitive so it takes different meaning for small and upper case letters, By using this charater set C-Statements and character constands can be written very easily. there are total 26 letters used in C-programming.
- DigitIn the character set digit are represented by 0-9 or by combination of these digits. By using the digits numeric constant can be written easily. There are total 10 digits used in C-programming.
- Special CharactersThere are total 30 special characters used in the C-programming. Special characters are used for C-statements like to create an arithmetic statement +,-,* etc., to create logical statement <,>,<=,>=,== etc are required. All the characters with the meanings are discussed in the table below:
Special Character Meaning , Comma . Period : Colon ; Semicolon ? Question Mark ' Single Quote " Double Quote ( Left Parenthesis ) right Parenthesis [ Left Bracket ] Right Bracket { Left Brace } Right Brace < Left Angle Bracket or less than symbol > Right Angle Bracket or greater than symbol = Equal to Sign. ! Exclamation Mark | Vertical Bar or Pipe symbol / Slash or Forward Slash \ Backslash or Backward Slash ~ Tilde symbol + Plus sign - Minus sign or Hypen sign * Asteric sign # Number sign or Hash symbol % Percentage sign ^ Caret symbol & Ampersand sign @ "At the rate" symbol _ Underscore sign - Empty space character Or White SpacesWhite spaces has blank space, new line return, Horizontal tab space, carriage ctrl, Form feed etc. are all used for special purpose. Also note that Turbo-C Compiler always ignore these white space characters in both high level and low level programming.
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