b tech projects projects in jnnc technologies


JAVA IEEE 2017-18 Best Projects (Pavan  9886869464)
S.No Project Code Project Title Front End Back End Domain
1 Manj01 Attribute-Based Storage Supporting Secure Deduplication of Encrypted Data in Cloud Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql cloud with security
2 Manj02 Collaborative Filtering-Based Recommendation of Online Social Voting Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Data Mining
3 Manj03 Continuous Top - K Monitoring Document Stream Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Data Mining
4 Manj04  Detecting Mobile Malicious Webpages in Real Time Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Mobile Computing
5 Manj05  Detecting Stress Based on Social Interactions in Social Networks Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Data Miningwith E-Commerce
6 Manj06 Efficient Clue-based Route Search on Road Networks Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Data Mining with Graph Technology
7 Manj07 Energy-Efficient Query Processing in Web Search Engines Swings,AWT,Socket Programming Internet  Web Mining With Security
8 Manj08 Identity Based Private Matching over Outsourced Encrypted Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql cloud with security
9 Manj09 Mining Competators from large scale un structured Data sets Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Mining with Graph Theory
10 Manj10 NetSpam a Network-based Spam Detection Framework for Reviews in Online Social Media Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Information Security
11 Manj11 Preventing Distributed Denial-of-Service Flooding Attacks with Dynamic Path Identifiers Swings,AWT,Socket Programming Ms-Access Wireless Sensor Networks & Mobile Computing
12 Manj12 Privacy and Integrity Preserving Top-k Query Processing for Two-Tiered Sensor Networks Swings,AWT,Socket Programming Ms-Access Wireless Sensor Networks & Mobile Computing
13 Manj13 Search Rank Fraud and Malware Detection in Google Play Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Mining with E-commerce
14 Manj14  SocialQ&A An Online Social Network Based Question and Answer System Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Web Mining With Security
15 Manj15  Twitter Trends Manipulation A First Look Inside the Security Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql information security
16 Manj16 Two Cloud Secure Database for Numeric Related SQL Range Queries with Privacy Preserving Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql cloud with security
17 Manj17  A Proxy based Collaboration System to Minimize Content Download Time and Energy Consumption Swings,AWT,Socket Programming Ms-Access Mobile Computing & WSN
18 Manj18 SociRank Identifying and Ranking Prevalent News Topics Using Social Media Factors Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Information Security
19 Manj19 Energy-Efficient Query Processing in Web Search Engines Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Web Mining With Security
20 Manj20 Network Capability in Localizing Node Failures via End-to-End Path Measurements Swings,AWT,Socket Programming Ms-Access Wireless Sensor Networks
21 Manj21 Efficient and Privacy preserving Min and k-th Min Computations in Mobile Sensing Systems Swings,AWT,Socket Programming Ms-Access Network Security
22 Manj22  Large-scale Location Prediction for Web Pages Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Mining with Graph Theory
23 Manj23 Privacy Protection and Intrusion Avoidance for Cloudlet-based Medical Data Sharing Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Information Security with Medical Data
24 Manj24 Fast Phrase Search for Encrypted Cloud Storage Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Cloud Computing
25 Manj25 Generating Query Facets using Knowledge Bases Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Data Mining
26 Manj26 An Iterative Classification Scheme for Sanitizing Large-Scale Datasets Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql DM& DW
27 Manj27  My Privacy My Decision Control of Photo Sharing on Online Social Networks Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Information Security(Real Time)
28 JayaP1  A Lightweight Secure Data Sharing Scheme Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Mobile Computing with Security
29 JayaP2 A Novel Efficient Remote Data Possession Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql cloud with security
30 JayaP3 Achieving secure, universal, and fine-grained Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Information Security
31 JayaP4 Identity-Based Data Outsourcing Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql information security
32 JayaP5  Identity-based Remote Data Integrity Checking Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql network security
33 JayaP6 Provably Secure Key-Aggregate Cryptosystems Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Network Security
34 JayaP7  SWEET Serving the Web by Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Network Security
35 JayaP8  SUPERMAN Security Using Pre-Existing Swings,AWT,Socket Programming My-sql Network Security
36 JayaP9 Securing Cloud Data under Key Exposure Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Information Security
37 JayaP10 Identity-Based Encryption with Outsourced Revocation in Cloud Computing Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Information Security
38 JayaP11 On the Security of Data Access Control Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Data Mining  with security
39 JayaP12 Dynamic Facet Ordering for Faceted Jsp,Html,CSS My-sql Data Mining
40 JayaP13 Efficient Keyword-aware Representative Travel Route  Recommendation Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql  Data Mining with Graph Technology
41 CHNSUN1 Securing Aggregate Queries for DNA Databases Jsp,Html,CSS my-sql BIO informatics with Big Data Analysis
42 CHNSUN2 Secure Tensor Decomposition Using Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Information Security with Cloud
43 CHNSUN3 Analysis of users’ behaviour in structured e-commerce websites Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Data Mining and Data Warehouse(DMDW)
44 CHNSUN4 Attribute based secure deduplication Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Cloud Computing
45 CHNSUN5 Customer-Satisfaction-profit-maximization Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Data Mining and Data Warehouse(DMDW)
46 CHNSUN6  Deduplication with Dynamic Ownership Management Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Information Security
47 CHNSUN7 Qosrecomendation in cloud services Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Information Security
48 CHNSUN8 Resource Renting for Periodical Cloud Workflow Applications Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Network Security
49 CHNSUN9 RRAC_Robust and Auditable Access Control with Multiple Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Networks & Security
50 CHNSUN10 Two-Factor Data Security Protection Mechanism for Cloud Storage System Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Information Security
51 CHNSUN11 Aspect-level Influence Discovery from Graphs Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Data Mining with Graph Technology
52 CHNSUN12 Topic-Oriented Exploratory Search Based on an Indexing Network Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Software Engineering/AI
53 CHNSUN13 A New Service Mechanism for Profit Optimizations of a Cloud Provider and Its Users Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Cloud Computing
54 JPDot1  Customer-Satisfaction-Aware Optimal Multiserver Configuration for Profit Maximization Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Software Engineering/AI
55 JPDot2 Keyword Search with Access Control over Encrypted Cloud Data Jsp,Html,CSS my-sql Information Security with Cloud
56 JPDot3 Privacy Protection based Access Control Scheme in Cloud-based Services Jsp,Html,CSS my-sql Information Security with Cloud
57 JPDot4 SeDaSC Secure Data Sharing in Clouds Jsp,Html,CSS my-sql Information Security with Cloud
58 JPDot5  Detecting Stress Based on Social Interactions in Social Networks Jsp,Html,CSS my-sql Information Security with Web Mining
59 JPDot6 Efficient Keyword-aware Representative Travel Route Recommendation Jsp,Html,CSS my-sql Mining with Graph Theory
60 JPDot7 GALLOP: GlobAL feature fused LOcation Prediction for Different Check-in Scenarios Jsp,Html,CSS my-sql Mining with Graph Theory
61 Real Time 1 Shadow Attacks based on Password Reuses: A Quantitative Empirical Analysis Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql information Security
62 Real Time 2 A Shoulder Surfing Resistant Graphical Authentication System Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql information Security
63 Real Time 3 CDA Generation and Integration for Health Information Exchange Based on Cloud Computing System Jsp,Html,CSS my-Sql,Live Cloud Server Secure Mining
64 Real Time 4 Cyberbullying Detection based on Semantic-Enhanced Marginalized Denoising Auto-Encoder Jsp,Html,CSS My-sql Information Security
65 Real Time 5 Secure Optimization Computation Outsourcing in Cloud Computing: A Case Study of Linear Programming Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Information Security
66 Manj28 An Overlay Architecture for Throughput Optimal Multipath Routing Swings,AWT,Socket Programming Ms-Access Networking
67 Manj29 Privacy Protection based Access Control Scheme in Cloud-based Services Jsp,Html,CSS My-Sql Cloud With Security


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