How to Prepare for a Job Interview and Have Fun (JNNC Technologies)

1. Count backward and breathe

If you’re in accounting, you're already good with numbers. Why not use them to your advantage? Count backward from 50, focus on the numbers, and find your breathing return to normal — voila! (You don’t have to count out loud if you’re in public. It still works.)

2. Get silly and walk like a penguin

Public speaking prompts nervousness a lot like getting grilled in an interview, and a presentation coach who calls herself the Impromptu Guru on YouTube recommends you “do the penguin” to release tension. Scrunch your shoulders up tightly to your neck and waddle around like a penguin. If that makes you feel silly, consider it a win!

3. Have a good belly laugh

What cracks you up — cat videos, re-watching the movie Office Space, listening to a comedian like Mike Birbiglia or hanging out with your most amusing friends? Relaxing with humor has been linked to reductions in stress hormones, so make a funny face in the mirror and know that every little bit helps.

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