C – Tokens (JNNC Technologies)

C Tokens :

The smallest individual elements or units in a program are called as Tokens. C has following tokens.
  • Identifiers
  • Keywords
  • Constants
  • Operators
  • Special characters

Identifiers :

Identifiers in c refer to the name of the variables, functions, arrays,etc. created by the  programmer, using the combination of following characters.
  • Alphabets :     A to Z     (or)    a to z
  • Digits :     0 to 9
  • Underscore :      _
 Note :
  • . The first character of an identifier must be an alphabet or underscore ,we canot use digit.
  • . Default identifier length is 32 characters.
Identifiers are explained briefly here

Keywords :

Keywords are the words whose meaning has been already explained by the compiler. That means at the time of designing a language, some words are reserved to do  specific tasks. Such words are called as keywords (or) reserved words. All C compilers support 32 keywords.
Keywords are explained briefly here

Constants :

Constants define fixed values, that do not change during the execution of a program. C supports the following constants.
  • Integer constants
  • Character constants
  • Real or floating constants
  • String constants
Constants are explained here


Operator  is a symbol which performs particular operation. C supports a rich set of operators. C operators can be classified into No of categories. They include arithmetic operators, logical operators, bitwise operators, etc.
Operators are explained briefly here

Special characters:

All characters other than alphabets and digits  are treated as special characters.
Eg:   * , % , $ , {  ,etc.


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