The Collection Interfaces (JNNC Technologies)

The collections framework defines several interfaces. This section provides an overview of each interface −
Sr.No.Interface & Description
1The Collection Interface
This enables you to work with groups of objects; it is at the top of the collections hierarchy.
2The List Interface
This extends Collection and an instance of List stores an ordered collection of elements.
3The Set
This extends Collection to handle sets, which must contain unique elements.
4The SortedSet
This extends Set to handle sorted sets.
5The Map
This maps unique keys to values.
6The Map.Entry
This describes an element (a key/value pair) in a map. This is an inner class of Map.
7The SortedMap
This extends Map so that the keys are maintained in an ascending order.
8The Enumeration
This is legacy interface defines the methods by which you can enumerate (obtain one at a time) the elements in a collection of objects. This legacy interface has been superceded by Iterator.


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