Overview Of OOPS Concepts (JNNC Technologies)

1. Understanding about POP & OOPS Concepts
2. Learn about Association, Aggregation, Composition, Abstraction, Generalization, Realization, Dependency, Cohesion.
3. Difference between loose and tight coupling
4. Learn about how to write Java code using Object, Class and Methods
5. Difference between Instance, static, local and final variables and their scopes.
6. Constructor, Constructor Overloading, Method Overloading, Method Overriding, understanding about this keywords
7. What is Block, Static blocks & Static Members
8. Final Class, Finalizer Methods.
9. How to write Immutable Class.
10. Access Modifier and Access Specifier.
11. native Methods
12. Inheritance
13. Abstract Class
14. Interface
15. Polymorphism
16. Difference between Early Binding and Late Binding
17. Wrapper Classes
18. Boxing and Unboxing


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