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Java and .NET: Competitors or Allies?
You would have read plenty of material comparing Java and .NET and also advising you on which one to choose. The fact is that both Java and .NET perform similar functions. There is no doubt that they are competitors, but, unlike how some bloggers project them as opponents with diverse interest, these are competitors with same interest.
In this blog, I will attempt to touch the common points between the two and leave the selection decision on you without maneuvering facts and making one look better than other
Understanding Java
Java is a programming language and just when you start relating to it as a language, you will encounter the Java Framework, the Java Platform, and a lot of Java everywhere. Although, all of these are linked with a thin line of difference, but, for a beginner with no prior knowledge, it might be confusing at first. In this blog, we are talking about the Java Platform that use Java as the core programming language.
Understanding .NET
.NET is a Microsoft-powered framework. The primary languages are C# and VB.NET. It has been in existence for close to two decades and has emerged as a tough competitor to Java which had a kind of a monopoly before .NET was launched. This is sometimes confused with ASP.NET which is an application framework whereas .NET is a programming framework.
Common Points
The basic purpose of both Java and .NET is same. The commonalities can be broadly classified on the basis of the purpose and convenience. Let’s look at each of these in detail.
The Purpose Is to Develop Applications :- Both Java and .NET are used for developing server-wide applications. These are often referred to as object-oriented languages that involves using classes which can later be used for incorporating similar functions in different applications. Again, to emphasize for Java Platform, the language for writing codes in Java and in .NET it is primarily C#. Java and .NET can be used to create applications for different platforms. There are reservations here like .NET being preferred to Windows applications but then nothing like a hard and fast rule.
You can easily get started with the development by either employing a Java or .NET developer or by collaborating with a .NET or Java Software development company.
The Aim Is to Avoid Rework :- You guessed it right, this is about modularity. While this is something not to boast about because almost all the application building platforms are now modular, it does add to the convenience aspect that a developer gets by being able to reuse classes and use plugins from external sources. The comfort of a developer is a prime point in determining which language will be chosen. And, therefore, the companies focus on this aspect.
This also involves the availability of help resources. Many a times, Java developers advocate for Java being a better choice because it is easy to find a Java Software development company. But, this is not true. There are almost the same resources available for help irrespective of which platform you choose.
Java and .NET are indeed competitors but another point of looking at them is to consider them as allies that motivate each other to develop something more innovative which gives one edge over the other. If either of these is eliminated from the equation, it would be a one-sided battle (not literally) without any motivation for the other. Both have their set of pros and cons, lovers and haters, which encourage the platforms to go strong against each other. Let us know which one you choose.


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